Standard user RunAs administrator without input password
CPAU is for save local administrator password to an encrypted file, when standard user run program, it can use the encrypted file to runas administrator.
We need the software CPAU,we can download the software from
Then we create a folder name “3G Data Card” in C:\disk. Then put the CPAU.EXE in “3GData Card” folder, open the “cmd”,then input cd "c:\3G Data Card",so we change our directory to where the CPAU.EXE store in.
2. Create a new text and rename it as “3G Data Card-enc.bat”, input below commands in this new create bat file.
@echo off
CPAU -uadministrator -ex "C:\Program Files(x86)\HSDPA USB Modem\USB Modem.exe" -enc -file logon.job -lwp
3. Run the bat file,it will prompt you to input local administrator password, like Figure 1
Figure 1
4. After input local administrator password, it will generate a file named “logon.job”, this file is your encrypted local administrator password.
(Note: if you run the bat file in command line, it will show you below output, it is useful for troubleshooting)
5. Above steps is to create the encrypted file store administrator password, so now we have to create a bat file to run the USBModem.exe. Create a bat file name “3G Data Card-dec.bat”, then input below commands.
@echo off
CPAU -u administrator -ex "C:\Program Files(x86)\HSDPA USB Modem\USB Modem.exe" -dec -file logon.job -lwp
6. Create a Shortcut in desktop name “3G Data Card”, when user wants to run USB Modem, they click “3G Data Card” Shortcut, then the USB Modem will run.